Long-term partnerships, with mutual respect, towards a common goal

Investing alongside veterinarians to develop tomorrow’s therapeutic solutions

Teaming up with veterinarians to push the boundaries of therapeutic innovation

1er Etablissement Pharmaceutique Français de médecine régénérative vétérinaire

Vetbiobank's know-how in animal cell therapy was quickly recognized and has enabled the company to build a diversified network of internationally renowned partners in medical and clinical as well as technological and industrial fields.

Numerous high-impact publications as well as several industrial and commercial collaboration contracts attest the operational efficiency of these partnerships.

Pharmaceutical Industry Partnerships

Pharmaceutical Industry Partnerships

En 2023, Virbac, 6e groupe vétérinaires mondial, s’engage aux côtés de Vetbiobank pour le développement et la commercialisation en Europe d?un médicament cellulaire à base de cellules souches néonatales pour le traitement d?une maladie inflammatoire chronique animale.

Vetbiobank is opening its product pipeline to other strategic industrial partnerships for the development and marketing of innovative products in veterinary and human regenerative medicine.

If you are a biotechnology or pharmaceutical company looking for new opportunities for external growth, we invite you to contact us:

Research partnerships

Biotechnical and Scientific Partnerships
Pre-Clinical and Clinical Developments

VetAgro-Sup (formerly Ecole National Vétérinaire de Lyon) - Public university

The collaboration between Vetbiobank and VetAgro-Sup began in 2010 when Vetbiobank was looking for a scientific and clinical partner for its developments and to establish the safety and efficacy of its products on target species.
VetAgro-Sup immediately recognized Vetbiobank's expertise in veterinary cell therapy and together the two partners have interacted in many scientific, technical and medical fields in equine and companion animals.

Since then, the collaboration has resulted in no less than 6 international publications A, B, C, E, F, G, J, in high impact journals including the first European publications demonstrating the long-term safety and efficacy of neonatal stem cells. C.

In addition to these publications, Vetbiobank has also supervised several veterinary students at the end of their studies as part of their thesis in collaboration with the ICE group - Samuel Buff and CHEV-Pr Eric Viguier.

The collaboration between Vetbiobank and the IFCE Experimental Station (Mrs. Laurence Wimel and Mr. Cédric Dubois) has made it possible to work on the biosecurity of the equine umbilical cord. This work led to a publication published in 2020 in BIOPRESERVATION AND BIOBANKING.J

This partnership also enabled the development of the first biological wound dressings based on equine amniotic membranes for ulcerative corneal lesions and large skin losses.

BIOTARGEN, University of Caen Normandy Biology, genetics and osteoarticular and respiratory therapies

Since 2014, Vetbiobank has partnered with the INSERM research team specializing in the physiology of healthy and abnormal cartilage in collaboration with various departments of the University of Caen Normandy.
This collaboration has allowed the co-supervision of Rodolphe Rakic's research work on stem cells and cartilage. This work was promoted in a thesis « film lauréat concours national « ma thèse en 180 secondes » and by two publications H, I, which Rodolphe Rakic, who has since joined Vetbiobank, is the first author.

Etablissement Français du Sang, University of Burgundy - Franche Comté – - Host-Graft-Tumor Interactions, Cellular and Gene Engineering,

In the continuity of Stéphane Maddens professional experience, its founder, Vetbiobank and the EFS are pursuing common research themes on stem cells to bridge the gap between human and veterinary medicine.

Thus, the EFS and the Inserm Unit 1098  Host-Graft-Tumor Interactions, Cell and Gene Engineering,The research team of the University of Burgundy - Franche Comté directed by Prof. Philippe Saas contributed to the publication of the results of an evaluation of the long-term safety and efficacy of neonatal allogeneic stem cells for the management of pain and lameness in dogs due to osteoarthritis. C

Institut de Biologie Paris Seine, VetAgro Sup nteractions Cells Environment, OXIPROTEOMICS, UCBL Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères,

In collaboration with the consortium formed by these 4 partners, Vetbiobank is developing the Myochito project, funded by the French National Research Agency. The work will enable the development of bioinspired chitosan cardiac patches using the Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome for the regeneration of cardiac tissue and the functional recovery of cardiac muscle after myocardial infarction.

Vetbiobank has also recently signed two strategic collaborations with internationally renowned public research centers in cutting-edge fields such as the development of cell cultures in bioreactors or nanotechnologies.

Neonatal Tissue Collection Centres

Neonatal Tissue Collection Centers

The intrinsic qualities of neonatal stem cells could not be favorably exploited without optimal quality of the collected tissues.

For this purpose, Vetbiobank has established several partnerships with renowned collaborators such asIFCE and VetAgro-Sup with which the company has been able to develop its protocols for the collection and control of neonatal tissues, thus guaranteeing the origin and sanitary quality of the source samples.

Since then, Vetbiobank has multiplied its contractual agreements with new qualified collection centers, allowing to guarantee the continuity of product supply according to strict release criteria.

Training and Knowledge Sharing

Training and Knowledge Sharing

VetAgro Sup ? (Ecole National Vétérinaire de Lyon – Etablissement public d?enseignement supérieur et de recherche)
VetAgro-Sup offers training in practical work for the realization of intra-articular stem cell injections in osteoarthritic dogs.

The learning objectives of these trainings realized within the framework of the ongoing professional development are :

If you are interested in training in intra-articular injection, we invite you to contact us for the next session. contact@vetbiobank.com

Vetbiobank has also been participating for several years now in specialized courses for 5th year students at VetAgro Sup (Canine and Equine).

Vetbiobank co-supervises veterinary theses and recruits part-time veterinary students for the implementation of clinical follow-up or clinical studies. If you are interested, we invite you to contact us at jobs@vetbiobank.com

Vetbiobank is a member of the Syndicat de l'Industrie du Médicament et disagnotic Vétérinaires since 2016 and participates in the steering of the "New Therapies" working group.

Our Supports

Our Supports

At its creation, Vetbiobank benefited from the support of the French incubator and accelerator Pulsalys (formerly Créalys) incubator and innovation accelerator as well as the Réseau Entreprendre (Entrepreneurship Network).

Vetbiobank benefits from innovation aid with the support of the European Regional Development Innovation Fund(FEDER)in collaboration with the Banque Publique d'Innovation (BPI).

 Our "SmartCellFactory" project is the winner of the Call for Projects "(Re)localization" of the plan France RelanceBy offering an innovative and scalable biomanufacturing infrastructure, SmartCellFactory is part of the government's acceleration strategies in the field of "biotherapies and biomanufacturing of innovative therapies", to meet the challenges of large-scale industrial manufacturing of cellular therapies.

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region supported Vetbiobank in its participation in a trade mission under the International Technology Partnership Development Programme.

Ambition Region Global performance  : The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region accompanies us on our way to obtaining
an authorisation for entry into clinical trials.

 Vetbiobank has received funding from the Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020 of the European Unionresearch and innovation program, under grant agreement No. 864301.

The French National Research Agency (ANR) is supporting the Myochito project in which Vetbiobank is contributing using the mesenchymal stem cell secretome.

Vetbiobank is a member of the Lyonbiopole competitive cluster - focused on pharmaceutical activities, particularly in the fight against human and animal infectious diseases and cancers - and Atlanpolewhich federates the skills of laboratories, platforms and companies for a public-private offer on the biomedical value chain.

Vetbiobank est membre du SIMV (Syndicat de I’Industrie du Médicament et du diagnostic Vétérinaire) depuis 2016 et pilote du groupe de travail « Nouvelles Thérapies »

For Veterinarians only

For Veterinarians only

Ask your veterinarian for the price of a stem cell injection at his clinic.

Product Pipeline

Range Product Development & optimization Proof of Concept Pilot study Industrialisation /
Pivotal study Approval Marketing Launch


Canine osteoarthritis

Canine osteoarthritis

Canine osteoarthritis

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis

Range Product Development & optimization Proof of Concept Pilot study Industrialisation /
Pivotal study Approval Marketing Launch



Chronic kidney

Feline arthrosis

Range Product Development & optimization Proof of Concept Pilot study Industrialisation /
Pivotal study Approval Marketing Launch


Equine arthrosis